Sunday, 26 March 2017

Bookies' Banter is Better than their Customer Service? Priorities all Wrong

All the leading bookmakers  persist in bombarding the twittersphere with a host of bad sporting jokes,sporting trivia and general drivel while their customer service Twitter handle goes unmanned 70percent of the time with the last tweet dated as in and around October 2016 in most cases.

Most people will hear this and say ,'So what?' Well it's a little more serious than that,bookmakers are basically trying to come across as the amiable,friendly mate that you have a wager with over a pint in The Swan and Mitre but the reality is very different.The truth is you are placing wagers with an exploitative, ruthless,sociopathic corporate entity that intends to siphon profit off of ignorant or lazy punters who bet without adequate research,prudence or care while limiting the action or even banning shrewd punters who consistently turn a profit.

The bookies tweet out general jokey rubbish all day with seemingly no let up ,'United fans wish Pogba played half as well as a retired 36 year old  Gerrard has in this legends game!' accompanied by a picture of a United fan with his head in hands. Tripe like this is as uninteresting as it is innacurate.If a vital cog in United's midfield has been playing so poorly why is it that the bookies shorten them up to 1/5 (1.2) at every opportunity and if the game is at Old Trafford you'll be lucky to get that!Pogba hasnt been a world beater but 6th in the league and a League Cup medal suggests he isn't doing that badly!

Bookies need to put as much effort into their '@support' accounts as they do on their main accounts,don't fall for their laughs or engage in the bets they jokingly suggest or bring up,do your research,be selective and see these sharks for what they really are.

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